
This page presents all the <Instruction>s that can be performed in Wyrd. <Instruction>s do not return values.

Unless otherwise specified, all <Instruction>s:

  • Increment the <State>’s program_counter by 1.
  • Set the <State>’s last_instruction_result to (MUST_CONTINUE).

Implementing execute(<State>) to recurse/loop as long as the newly updated <State>’s last_instruction_result is (MUST_CONTINUE) is acceptable.

Shortcut to each <Instruction>:


(add_event_option! {name: String} {parameters: <Computation> List})

Adds an <Option> based on an <Event> for the user.


  • value is a {String} indicating the name of the <Event>.
  • parameters is a {List} of <Computation> that will yield the <Value>s required for this option to be chosen when the <Event> occurs on the next (resolve_choice!).


  • Compute the <Value> corresponding to each member of parameters, store them in a {List} while keeping the order.
  • Create a new <EventOption> with name name and the aforementioned {<Value> List} as parameters.
  • Append the newly created <EventOption> to the end of the <State>’s available_options.


(add_text_option! <value: Computation>)

Adds an <Option> based on an <TextValue> for the user.


  • value is a <Computation> that will yield the <TextValue> displayed to the user for this option on the next (resolve_choice!).


  • Compute the <Value> yielded by value.
  • Create a new <TextOption> corresponding to the aforementioned <Value>.
  • Append the newly created <TextOption> to the end of the <State>’s available_options.


(assert! <condition: Computation> <message: Computation>)

Checks if a condition is fulfilled and prints an error message if it is not.


  • condition is a <Computation> corresponding to what needs to be tested.
  • message is a <Computation> defining the error message displayed to the user if the condition is not verified.


  • Compute the <Value> yielded by condition.
  • Interpret this <Value> as {Boolean}.
  • If it is TRUE, the <Instruction> has completed.
  • Otherwise, compute the <msg: Value> corresponding to the message.
  • Set the <State>’s last_instruction_result to (MUST_DISPLAY_ERROR <msg: Value>).


(display! <value: Computation>)

Displays text to the user.


  • value is a <Computation> corresponding to what has to be displayed.


  • Compute the <msg: Value> corresponding to value.
  • Set the <State>’s last_instruction_result to (MUST_DISPLAY <msg: Value>).



Ends the story.


  • Do not increase the <State>’s program_counter.
  • Set the <State>’s last_instruction_result to (MUST_END)


(initialize! {type: String} <target: Computation>)

Adds an element to memory with a deterministic default value.


  • type is a {String} corresponding to the type that will be used by target.
  • target is <Computation> that will yield the address to initialize.


  • Compute the <Value> resulting from target. This is a <PointerValue>.
  • Interpret this <PointerValue> as a {{String} List}.
  • Update the <State>’s memory so that the element pointed to by the <PointerValue> takes the default value for a <Value> of type type. Note that the target might point to an element that does not exist yet.
  • Take into account the fact that a new address was allocated (see note).

Note: Depending on how you choose to ensure the generation of new unallocated addresses, it may be necessary to update the <State> to account for the fact that a new address is now in use. This should only be done for addresses that were generated by a (get_allocable_address) computation. This can easily be tested for by having these prefixed by ".alloc." as suggested. When using the recommended way, three outcomes are possible:

  • target corresponds to an address in the <State>’s freed_addresses collection, in which case that collection is updated so that it no longer contains it.
  • target designated the address that would be be generated by the <State>’s allocated_data counter when using a (get_allocable_address) computation, in which case the counter is increased.
  • None of the above, in which case no further modifications are needed.


(prompt_command! <min: Computation> <max: Computation> <target: Computation> <message: Computation>)

Asks the user to provide a list of strings as input.


  • min is a <Computation> indicating the minimum size the user {String} input should be (in characters).
  • max is a <Computation> indicating the maximum size the user {String} input should be (in characters).
  • target is a <Computation> indicating where to store the result.
  • message is a <Computation> corresponding to the message displayed to the user for this prompt.


  • Compute the <Value> corresponding to each of these parameter.
  • Update the <State>’s memorized_target to be the <Value> resulting from target.
  • Set the <State>’s last_instruction_result to (MUST_PROMPT_COMMAND <min_val: Value> <max_val: Value> <msg: Value>).


(prompt_float! <min: Computation> <max: Computation> <target: Computation> <message: Computation>)

Asks the user to provide a float as input.


  • min is a <Computation> indicating the minimum float the user is allowed to input
  • max is a <Computation> indicating the maximum float the user is allowed to input
  • target is a <Computation> indicating where to store the result.
  • message is a <Computation> corresponding to the message displayed to the user for this prompt.


  • Compute the <Value> corresponding to each of these parameter.
  • Update the <State>’s memorized_target to be the <Value> resulting from target.
  • Set the <State>’s last_instruction_result to (MUST_PROMPT_FLOAT <min_val: Value> <max_val: Value> <msg: Value>).


(prompt_integer! <min: Computation> <max: Computation> <target: Computation> <message: Computation>)

Asks the user to provide an integer as input.


  • min is a <Computation> indicating the minimum integer the user is allowed to input
  • max is a <Computation> indicating the maximum integer the user is allowed to input
  • target is a <Computation> indicating where to store the result.
  • message is a <Computation> corresponding to the message displayed to the user for this prompt.


  • Compute the <Value> corresponding to each of these parameter.
  • Update the <State>’s memorized_target to be the <Value> resulting from target.
  • Set the <State>’s last_instruction_result to (MUST_PROMPT_INTEGER <min_val: Value> <max_val: Value> <msg: Value>).


(prompt_string! <min: Computation> <max: Computation> <target: Computation> <message: Computation>)

Asks the user to provide a string as input.


  • min is a <Computation> indicating the minimum size the user {String} input should be (in characters).
  • max is a <Computation> indicating the maximum size the user {String} input should be (in characters).
  • target is a <Computation> indicating where to store the result.
  • message is a <Computation> corresponding to the message displayed to the user for this prompt.


  • Compute the <Value> corresponding to each of these parameter.
  • Update the <State>’s memorized_target to be the <Value> resulting from target.
  • Set the <State>’s last_instruction_result to (MUST_PROMPT_STRING <min_val: Value> <max_val: Value> <msg: Value>).


(remove! <target: Computation>)

Removes an element from memory.


  • target is a <Computation> indicating where the element to remove is.


  • Compute the <Value> corresponding to target.
  • Interpet this <Value> as an address.
  • Remove the element at this address from the <State>’s memory.
  • If this address was originally made from a (get_allocable_address) computation, add it to the <State>’s freed_addresses collection.



Makes the user choose between all previously added options.


  • Set the <State>’s last_instruction_result to (MUST_PROMPT_CHOICE).


(set_pc! <value: Computation>)

Sets the program counter to a given value.


  • value is a <Computation> indicating what to set the program counter to.


  • Compute the <Value> for value.
  • Interpret this <Value> as an {Integer}.
  • Set the <State>’s program_counter to this value.
  • Do not otherwise increase the <State>’s program_counter.


(set_random! <min: Computation> <max: Computation> <target: Computation>)

Replaces the <Value> at a given address with a random integer. This is not a computation as some languages will require state updates to keep generating new random values.


  • min is a <Computation> indicating the minimum integer allowed. to input
  • max is a <Computation> indicating the maximum integer allowed.
  • target is a <Computation> indicating where to store the result.


  • Compute the <Value> corresponding to each of these parameter.
  • Generate a random {Integer} between min and max (included).
  • Update the <State>’s memoryso that the element at target is to be the <Value> resulting from target.


(set_value! <target: Computation> <value: Computation>)

Sets the value of an element in memory.


  • target is a <Computation> indicating what element to set to the value.
  • value is a <Computation> corresponding to the value to give the element.


  • Compute target as <addr: Value>.
  • Modify the <State>’s memory so that the element at addr takes the <Value> resulting from value’s computation.


({extra_instruction: String}! {parameters: <Computation> List})

Executes non-standard instruction.


  • extra_instruction is the name of the extra instruction.
  • parameters is a list of parameters for this instruction call.


  • Undetermined. This is where you choose the process according to the value of extra_instruction so that you can add non-standard instructions.