
This page presents all the <Computation>s that can be performed in Wyrd. <Computation>s do not modify the memory, but they always return a <Value>. Be careful not to modify the memory through reference when computing values.

Shortcut to each <Computation>:


(add_text_effect {name: String} {parameters: <Computation> List} {values: <Computation> list})

Add an effect to a list of texts, returning it as a single text.


  • name is a {String} indicating the name of the effect.
  • parameters is a {List} of <Computation> that will yield the <Value>s used as parameters for the effect.
  • values is a {<Computation> List} that will yield the texts to merge and apply the effect to. These will yield <TextValue>s.


  • Compute the {params: <Value> List} corresponding to parameters (keep the order).
  • Compute the {texts: <Value> List} corresponding to values (keep the order).
  • Return a new <AugmentedText> <TextValue> with texts as content, name as effect_name, and params as effect_parameters.


(address <value_or_target: Computation>)

Converts to an address.


  • value_or_target is a <Computation> that will either result in in a <PointerValue> or a <StringValue>.


  • Compute the <Value> corresponding to value_or_target.
  • If this resulted in a <PointerValue>, return the value as is.
  • If this resulted in a <StringValue>, interpret the value as {addr: String}, return a new <PointerValue> built from a singleton list with addr as its only element.


(cast {from: String} {to: String} <value: Computation>)

Convert from one type to another.


  • from is a {String} naming the type content will result to.
  • to is a {String} naming the type to convert content to.
  • content is a <Computation> that will yield the <Value> to convert.


  • Compute the <Value> associate with content.
  • Convert this <Value> from from to to.
  • Return the converted value.

Note: The following conversions are expected to be available:

  • A type to the same type, returning the same value.
  • <BoolValue> to <StringValue>, returning (StringValue "true") if <Value> is (BoolValue TRUE) and (StringValue "false") otherwise.
  • <BoolValue> to <TextValue>, same as above, but with text instead of string.
  • <FloatValue> to <StringValue>.
  • <FloatValue> to <TextValue>.
  • <FloatValue> to <IntValue>, using a floor function.
  • <IntValue> to <StringValue>.
  • <IntValue> to <TextValue>.
  • <IntValue> to <FloatValue>.
  • <IntValue> to <BoolValue>, with 0 being (BoolValue FALSE) and anything else being (BoolValue TRUE).
  • <StringValue> to <FloatValue>.
  • <StringValue> to <IntValue>.
  • <StringValue> to <BoolValue>, (BoolValue TRUE) if the string is "true", (BoolValue FALSE) if it is "false". Convert to lowercase prior to checking.
  • <TextValue> to <StringValue>, by recursively converting all content to {String}, discarding effects and newlines, and appending it all.
  • <TextValue> to <IntValue>, by converting it to <StringValue> first.
  • <TextValue> to <FloatValue>, by converting it to <StringValue> first.
  • <TextValue> to <BoolValue>, by converting it to <StringValue> first.


(constant {type: String} {value: String})

Constant value.


  • type is a {String} indicating the type the other parameter should be converted to.
  • value is a {String} representation of the value that should be returned.


  • Parse the value of value according to type.
  • Return the corresponding <Value>.

Notes: The type parameter can take the following values: "string", "float", "int", and "bool".



Get an allocable address.


  • Return an <PointerValue> corresponding to an unused address.

Notes: Process when using the suggested <State> definition:

  • If the <State>’s freed_addresses collection has elements, return a <PointerValue> corresponding to one of its elements.
  • Otherwise, create a string addr corresponding to ".alloc." to which the <State>’s allocated_data integer has been added then return a new <PointerValue> with a singleton list containing addr. As a reminder, <State> is not modified by the procedure.


(if_else <condition: Computation> <if_true: Computation> <if_false: Computation>)


  • condition is a <Computation> that will indicate which other computation to consider.
  • if_true is a <Computation> that will be considered only if the condition is verified.
  • if_false is a <Computation> that will be considered only if the condition is not verified.


  • Compute the <BoolValue> resulting from condition.
  • Interpret this <BoolValue> as a {Boolean}.
  • If it yielded TRUE, compute and return the <Value> resulting from if_true, otherwise, compute and return the <Value> resulting from if_false.



Get the index of the user’s last chosen option.


  • Return an <IntValue> corresponding to the <State>’s last_choice_index.



Return a newline value.


  • Return a <TextValue> corresponding to a newline.

Unary operation

(operation {operator: String} <x: Computation>)

Interpret as (operation operator x (BoolValue FALSE)). It is recommended to have the parser do that conversion automatically.


(operation {operator: String} <x: Computation> <y: Computation>)

Performs a basic operation.


  • operator is the name of the operation.
  • x is the first operand.
  • y is the second operand.


  • Compute <val_x: Value> and <val_y: Value>, the <Values> corresponding to x and y, respectively.
  • See the Notes below for which operators are expected.
  • Return the result of the operation.

Notes: val_x and val_y always have the same type. If the returned value is a number, it has the same type as val_x and val_y. Number types are <FloatValue> and <IntValue>. Comparable types are <FloatType>, <IntValue>, <StringType>, <BoolType>, and <PointerType>.

Operands are numbers, returns number:

  • divide, returning the value corresponding to val_x divided by val_y. This is an integer division if and only if val_x is an integer.
  • minus, returning the value corresponding to val_x minus val_y.
  • plus, returning the value corresponding to val_x plus val_y.
  • power, returning the value corresponding to val_x to the power val_y.
  • times, returning the value corresponding to val_x times val_y.

Operands are <IntValue>s, returns <IntValue>:

  • modulo, returning the value corresponding to val_x modulo val_y.

Operands are <BoolValue>s, returns <BoolValue>:

  • and, returning (BoolValue TRUE) if both val_x and val_y are (BoolValue TRUE), (BoolValue FALSE) otherwise. Do not evaluate val_y if val_x yielded (BoolBalue FALSE) (lazy evaluation).
  • not, returning (BoolValue TRUE) if val_x is (BoolValue FALSE). Otherwise, return (BoolValue FALSE).

Operands are comparable, returns <BoolValue>:

  • less_than returning (BoolValue TRUE) if val_x is less than val_y and (BoolType FALSE) otherwise. (BoolType FALSE) is less than (BoolType TRUE). <PointerValue>s can be compared by comparing the strings corresponding to having joined all elements in their respective string lists.

Operands can be any type, returns <BoolValue>:

  • equals returns (BoolValue TRUE) if val_x has the same value as val_y, (BoolType FALSE) otherwise. Be sure to compare values and not identity (value vs reference).


(relative_address <target: Computation> <extra: Computation>)

Appends to an address.


  • target is a <Computation> that will yield the base address to extend.
  • extra is a <Computation> corresponding to the <StringValue> element to add to the address.


  • Compute the <PointerValue> corresponding to target.
  • Compute the <StringValue> corresponding to extra.
  • Return a new <PointerValue> corresponding to the previous <PointerValue>, but with its list of strings now having been extended by the addition of the string equivalent to that <StringValue>.


(size <target: Computation>)

Computes the size of a list.


  • target is a <Computation> that will yield a <PointerValue> pointing to a <ListValue>.


  • Compute the <PointerValue> yielded by target.
  • Return a new <IntValue> corresponding to the number of elements in the <ListValue> pointed to by that <PointerValue>.


(text {values: <Computation> List})

Merges a list of text values into a single one.


  • values is a list of <Computation>s that will yield <TextValue>s.


  • Compute the <Value> corresponding ot each element of values.
  • Return a new <TextValue> corresponding to these <Values> appended one after the next.


(value_of <target: Computation>)

Retries the value from memory.


  • target is a <Computation> that will yield the address of the memory element to get the value of.


  • Compute the value of target.
  • Return the <Value> pointed to by target in the <State>’s memory.


({extra_computation} {parameters: <Computation> List})

Performs non-standard computation.


  • extra_computation is the name of the extra computation.
  • parameters is a list of parameters for this computation call.


  • Undetermined. This is where you choose the process according to the value of extra_computation so that you can add non-standard computations.